Public tender to research new managers

Public tender to research new managers

Fondapi, the Italian Pension Fund for small – mid cap company of all the sectors searchs two new managers:

  • an active manager for a global equity mandate for 95 million of assets in total (25 million for Comparto Crescita and 70 million for Comparto Prudente) for 5 years
  • a passive manager for a Global equity mandate for 70 million of assets for 5 years

Before the tender Fondapi subscribed a new contract with ECPI, a sustainable benchmark provider, to define all the benchmarks of the mandates.

Actually Fondapi has more than 700 million under management and represents 54.000 workers and more than 10.000 companies: only 10% of its potential.

The last day to receive offers is 17th November 2017. 

The document necessary to partecipate to the tender is available here:

Condividi su:

Futuro Me: non è solo un Fondo Pensione, ma un’occasione per il tuo domani.

Una promo vantaggiosa costruita su misura per giovani lavoratori e lavoratrici.

Futuro Me: non è solo un Fondo Pensione, ma un’occasione per il tuo domani.

Una promo vantaggiosa costruita su misura per giovani lavoratori e lavoratrici.